While feeling all the uncertainty and sadness that’s coming from the elections results all around the world, I’ve been wondering just how much I’m impacted by it all.
I think that politics is an important aspect of our life and that people that go out there to truly serve their communities are heroes, but for some types of people this path just isn’t interesting.
It’s just like working in a big corporation.
Why in the world would you go to work for a huge company, owned by no one, where you have zero influence over it and which has all the influence over you?
But many people do, and many people like it. And many people like being in politics and only being able to change one thing every decade.
But that’s not good enough for the kind of people I’m thinking about.
Entrepreneurs don’t like it when a random majority of people decides for their future.
We like to take control of our own destiny. Make our own mistakes. And then learn, fast, to not make them again.
This, I think, is the reason why entrepreneurs feel this weird feeling of sadness even if they don’t really like or care about politics.
They don’t like the thought of not being in control, and having other people decide for them.
Well, luckily we can take control of most aspects of our life:
- We can decide where we live, with whom we spend time with, where we work, on what and with whom.
- We can decide how our mental cycles are spent, what we want to learn about, and how to use that knowledge.
- We’re in control of what we buy and who we buy it from.
- We’re in control of our financial life, of our emotions and ultimately of our future.
So, don’t think about politics — leave that to people who enjoy it — and take control of what you have the power to change. It’s more than you think.